Well today was scary.
I had my computers class in the morning and there is a very very obese girl in the class.
Not the type of person you see at Mc Donald's and you think, "oh slow down you dont need those 3 cheese burgers and super size coke" but the type of obese that you see on an oprah health special "shock woman at 350 pounds".
Anyway, we were in this computers class and she falls off her chair pulls down the table also and started grabing her chest,
the teacher was out of the room and all the other girls are screaming so i run over and with the help of three other girls roll her into the recovery position. She got taken to hospital and is fine.
But it was like Gullivers Travels, anyone who know's me know's i am not very big, i am 166cm and 54kg, this girl is at probably 200kg. After that i was too scared to each lunch in fear of ever getting that fat.
x nurse nella to the rescue.