Monday, February 27, 2006


So was i the last to know?
Had they been avoiding me knowingly that i was too far gone to be saved?
FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe these people have been brought up not to question what is spoon fed to them or maybe they genuinely believe that this "church" is helping them live a better, healthier more guilt free existance?
I am not going to judge an idividuals choice, just maybe try and educate them a little more. Just like they can try and "educate" me in their "lifestyle".
BUT THEY PISS ME OFF AND SCARE ME...... probably just as much as i piss them off and scare them.
To think that people of the same age as me, with same way of living....i.e going out getting loaded, making out with people you dont know that well,(*for them minus the sex, but apparently blowjobs are ok because there is no penatration and you know a girls dignity doesnt mean that much anway right? WRONG FUCKERS!) have an interest in things such as the arts, (possibly minus culture, but thats just an educated guess) fashion and general things that a 22 year old likes! PARTAKING AND GIVING MONEY TO A CORUPT DIGUSTING CULT.....IT MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT ALL OVER THEIR PASTORS. THEN STAGE A PRO CONTRACEPTION RALLY ON FRIDAY NIGHT OUTSIDE THEIR "CHURCH" AFTER THEIR "YOUTH STUDIES"!
So i was late to catch on, this must naivety on my part thinking that people around this kind of scene of debauchary and crooked moral standards would by into this brain washing shit!
For them to justify it to me as being a lifestyle choice and that its not really that much about religon and that they are just trying to live their life better for themselves, is not only judgemental because they are saying the way i live my life is wrong, but is also as selfish as billionaire buying his fith bentley and then claiming a $20 tax deduction because of his donation to the scouts!
Dont get me wrong i am not anti religous at all.....Religon has and will be around forever, and the people that use it to benefit mankind by helping and doing "GENUINE" charity work, i admire.
But lets get some get some facts straight, i also know that it is not just hillsong but also a lot of other christian evangelical fundamental groups aswell:
* Hillsong has donated $AU106,000 to help World Vision feed people in Sudan.....Fantastic that is a great effort.
**** BECAUSE*****This represents 0.3% of the "church's" admitted yearly tax-free income. Remember that the vast majority of the income is in the form of unaccountable cash!

WHERES THE REST IN BUSINESS VENTURES LIKE CASTLE HILL TAVERN.....Since when do churches own pubs?!? See its ok to get loaded because god's not watching then.....

*By November 2004 Hillsongs annual income was at $30 million all TAX estimate it would have more than doubled now. So that pissy amount going Sudan doesnt amount to much really does it?!?

***Hillsong claims an income of $18 million a year(2004 and prior), but as it also produced what was supposed to be the biggest selling music CD in the country last year and there were no costs for artists' fees or record shop commissions, it is quite possible that this amount could have come from merchandise sales alone. With 15,000 people throwing money into the place each weekend, plus the admitted $10 million collected at the annual conference there is a lot of cash floating about, and when it comes to avoiding taxes and accountability, cash is king. Pastor Brian "donates" his salary back to the "church", so he has no income subject to income tax. It is remarkable, then, that on no income he manages to have a house in a suburb where if you walked into an estate agency with only $2 million to spend on a house the agent wouldn't bother to look up from the form guide, and he has a weekender with extensive frontage to the Hawkesbury River north west of Sydney. (In his case it is probably a "weekdayer".)

Doesnt it seem a little far fetched to call a place that worships money, a pair of tsubi's and a really cool emo concert of the kids on sunday "A CHURCH" let alone "RELIGOUS"

For some more perspective, The Salvation Army -another religous charity organisation run by an actual church spends about $30 million a year to pay for all its operations in the two states of New South Wales and Queensland, but that salary and expenses bill supports more than $160 million of welfare and charity work.

The government has a few loose rules on churches being income tax exempt they are expected to social and charity work. Hillsong is quite happy to comply with this law and proudly donates $400,000 out of their upward of $30million towards good works each year.



Where does this fucking god squad get of justifying going out and getting loaded getting blow jobs....but not having sex?!?
AND WHY IS SEX SO BAD IF YOUR DOING STUFF LIKE THAT? IS GOD NOT WATCHING WHEN YOU CUM IN A GIRLS MOUTH OR MASTERBATE IN THE SHOWER OVER A NICE SET OF FRESHLY DEVELOPED TITS? I feel sorry for you, stop punishing yoursleves and that sheet of guilt you feel while you watch your cum run down your legs into the drain is not healthy.
Your lifestyle is a selfish, unhealthy, growth stuntingly disturbing lie!

If you want to do something thats going to improve your lives, like your supposedly doing now, why not go and console a 14 year old rape victum after getting an abortion or if thats a bit much for your innocent and uncorrupted brains, why not go and serve sloppy soup to the homeless or give some of that $300 that goes to each pair of tsubi's and give some of that to a single mother who earns less than that a week.

Please dont hound me with opinions, this is just mine, i am not defaming anyone or any orgaisation. And by all means try and "save me" from my life of sorrdid sex and guilt free enjoyment. And i will try and "save you" with the natural functions of a human body with all the friction sweat and thrills it can create!

(*disclaimer: all facts taken from here : didnt make them up....i wish i did it would be less depressing and scary)

God speed......

p.s dont get me started on the RU486 debate!

Last note: This is not a church:

This is a church=: