Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chicks at the bar......

A couple of weeks ago it was 'Chicks at the bar' night.
We went to the cricks because its the only place we are brave enough to play our titillating new drinking game 'Top Up'....
It goes a little like this, wait till no bar staff are looking and you have to top up your own beer backwards.


* Brands count, you can't go topping up a Carlton with an upgrade of Coopers. Scrubbers.
* If punters spot you and try to rat you out you have to pour them beers too.
* All pulling of beers must be done seated and backwards.

Bonus Points:

* If you run the tap dry.
* The quality of the pour, if you pour a perfect beer its like a bazillion bonus points.

Sucks I was playing with two of Sydney's cutest bar wenches!
